Monday 17 March 2014

You won't be sad at the seaside, son

We like this picture lots and lots. He looks very calm doesn't he, I imagine his name to be something unassuming and nondescript and he likes to keep it that way. Something like 'Jack' 'honest Jack, yes he goes fishing every Thursday.' He stayed a little late fishing did he not? I think so, yes. But I think on our little journey we would like to go somewhere where the river becomes the moon. Ooh anecdote coming up, kids. I awoke one night, it may have been the wee hours of the morning to find myself in a strange delicious moonshine world. My whole world was silver, and for one sleepy moment that was the way it stayed, there are some moments not to be woken up from, ever. We hold on to those things. As for me, I'm living in the summer of 2013 forever, maybe I will tell you why a bit later but I'm not sure how good that summer was, maybe March 2014 is just as good. It's funny how we do that, we don't really care about the gooduns till they're far away. Hmmm catch them with a fishing rod.

Milly Molly Mandy hates Mondays

Hallo friends, do enter if you want to(well actually I hope none of you are my friends because we're keeping this shizzle quiet yes we are, yes we are, yes we are). Well this is all rather new and strange, I suppose this is all happening because I'm a little bored. Yes, yes I am definitely a little bored. I hope to tell you strange little things and you will enjoy them maybe, but then again what if i tell you normal big massive things? Oh no I most certainly will not do that, you see that would be boring, so now we're back to the original problem, boredom… Oh but the funny thing is old fruits, I am a 16 year old growing up in London, how could I possibly be bored with the vast fruit bowl of opportunities that lies before me all ripe for the picking? So yes, we will go on a voyage, you and I and we will see where we end up. Thanks.